Did You get the baldness Gene from Mom or Dad? Is there anything you can do about it...

Did You get the baldness Gene from Mom or Dad?
Is there anything you can do about it...
We all wonder where our head of hair (or lack of it) comes from.
Is it from my Mom's or Dad's side of the family.
How come I am losing hair and my brother ( or sister) is not losing hair?
Will I end up with a Bald spot like Dad or will I look like one of my Mom's uncles, or even my Grandfather? We need to understand that hair loss is a multifaceted gene expression. Which means that there is not a single specific
gene that controls hair loss. Rather it is the expression of
many genes that control your hair loss, including color of your
hair, texture, density and even the length that your hair will
grow. The most well-known genes associated with hair loss is the Androgen Receptor (AR) gene. The AR gene codes for the androgen receptor protein, which helps hair follicles detect androgen hormones (such as DHT). The AR gene is located on the X chromosome. But this does not account for every case of Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). In fact several genetic mutations can be the cause of MPB. So it is multi-facted and
therefore both parents genes determine the chance of hair loss.
Genes can express themselves but environmental factors can
play a major role in the expression of our Genes. So rather then play into the hands that cannot control my hair loss we need to proactive and realize that increasing DHT levels especially with life style supplements is a major factor for many people. Rather than taking Creatine, Whey Protein isolate, Pea protein, hemp protein, egg protein or even soy protein, it is better to take a protein with all the vitamins and nutrients that will not increase your DHT levels and provide all the daily nutrition to make your hair as healthy as possible.
Our Help Hair Products have been on the Market for 14
years and have been time tested with thousands of satisfied
customers. Unlike any other product on the market our
products have been formulated by an actual Hair Restoration
physician, Dr Shapiro with 30 years of experience who has actually seen results from thousands of his own patients, andwe have 100's of top medical clinics with consistent great results with their own patients.
Dr Larry Shapiro is an adjunct clinical faculty member at DeBusk Medical
School in Tennessee and has treated hair loss exclusively and has
trained and Help Hair Clinics Worldwide. Dr Shapiro has lectured on hair loss throughout the World and has published in a textbook in Hair Restoration with an entire chapter on his extensive research on hair growth and supplements.
Dr Larry Shapiro (Founder) and son, Dr. Douglas Shapiro
Other companies that are formulating their own
vitamins are guessing at best what might work and do not
have the background or years of experience in the hair
restoration field to get you the results that you are trying to
achieve. A corporation decides what your choices are for
ingredients and unlike Help Hair products, these corporations
may want their bottom line to be the most important part of you
hair loss plan.
At Help Hair our bottom line is you, your hair and your well
being. So rather then letting you baldness genes slowly eat away at
your hair be Pro-Active and try some of our shakes, vitamins,
collagen, or shampoos and conditioners and read our Hand out on hair loss and change the way you treat your hair.