Help Hair Protein Shake to replace your workout products without the hair loss.

Help Hair Shake can replace your workout products without the hair loss.


Most work out products cause hair loss. We developed Help Hair Shake to 

 replace your work out products and Help with your Hair. 

If you are in a work out routine we recommend taking 1 shake in the AM and 1 shake in the PM during the days you are exercising. The other days you could take the shake 2x daily or replace it with 1 shake daily(am) and 1 Help Hair vitamin (pm).

We suggest if you want to add some protein to the shake to add 10-16 ounces of milk or add some yogurt or peanut butter which will bring the total protein per serving with the shake = 20 gms per serving.  

Here are some great recipes for Help Hair Shake to enhance your work outs.

Douglas's Favorite:


1 scoop of Help Hair Shake- Vanilla 

10-14 ounces of milk, or skim milk, or almond milk 

Frozen blueberries or Strawberries or Frozen banana


Add milk to blender.

Drop in a 1/4 cup of frozen fruit.

Take a scoop of Help Hair Shake and blend for 2-3 minutes.


Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie


1 scoop of Help Hair Shake- Chocolate

10-14 ounces of milk, or skim milk, or almond milk

1 tbsp of peanut butter

1 frozen banana


Add milk to blender.

Drop in 1 tbsp of peanut butter

Add 1 frozen banana

Take a scoop of Help Hair Shake and blend for 2-3 minutes.


Do not add additional whey proteins or additional protein powders or take other hair vitamins . They will decrease the efficacy of our products.