Help Hair® Shake and Help Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth | Participating Help Hair® Shake Physicians
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see AFR before/after pictures
Scroll to the middle of the page to see Help Hair Doctors discuss our products
We are the only Hair Loss product in the world to be recommended by over 400 Worldwide Hair Loss Clinics including Hair Loss Physicians, Hair Transplant Physicians, Board Certified Dermatologists, Trichologists, and Dermatology Physician Assistants and Dermatology Nurse Practitioners.
Our product is scientifically based and formulated with very the Best Hair Growth Vitamins and Protein for Hair Regrowth for a tasty Hair Shake promoting Hair Regrowth. Too see our entire list of Participating Help Hair® Clinics go to Help Hair World Wide Physicians.
Check out our list of Worldwide Clinics.
All our Help Hair® Shake Physicians are trained in Screening for the Low Anabolic Profile, S.H.A.P.I.R.O. Chart and Anabolic Index Rating, and AFR or Accelerated Follicular Restoration (Faster Regrowth after a Hair Transplant).
Help Hair® Certified Clinics:
Help Hair Plaques awarded to Dr Ed Griffin M.D. and Dr Ashley Curtis M.D. in their office in Atlanta.
They were honored with plaques from Help Hair as a Certified Help Hair Clinic.
Before /After post-op pictures with Help Hair Shake and Help Hair Vitamins. 69 y/o patient of Dr Ed Griffin from Atlanta, Ga using 1 Help Hair Shake and 1 Help Hair Vitamin daily for 6-6.5 months postop. Patient had less shock loss and faster regrowth. Notice the texture of the hair is improved. Typically regrowth takes 9-12 months. Patient reported losing 14 pounds while using the shake since it is only 75 calories per serving.
Dr Jerry Cooley talks about Help Hair Shake for his patients. Click to see full video.
Dr Michael Zufelt talks about Help Hair Shake. Click to see full video..
Dr Sean Behnam talks about Help Hair Shake. Click to see full video...
Dr Asim Shamalak from UK talks about the shake.
Our Help Hair Australian Distributor participated last weekend in a recent Beauty Expo in Australia.
Check out the booth at #PerthExpo with Dr. Jen Martinick, World Renown Hair Restoration Doctor.
Dr Martinick had a busy weekend!
A video of the Help Hair exhibit was posted on Instagram. Check it out...
Help Hair Dinner 2018 with Worldwide Help Hair Doctors in Los Angeles.
Help Hair Dinner in Macon with Dr Arthur Gray M.D.
Dr Gray was honored with a plaque from Help Hair as a Certified Clinic

The feedback we received was great and the results the Help Hair Clinics are getting with the Shake are amazing! Our products are sold only through Hair Loss Medical Clinics that are trained by Dr Shapiro.
Check out these Youtube videos of several of our Worldwide Help Hair Shake Doctors reviews' on Help Hair Shake.
Click here or Click the picture to view the interview
Look at these amazing before /after pictures of accelerated regrowth after a Hair Transplant.....
Patient started Help Hair Shake and regrew after 4.5 months after taking the shake.
Dr Manuel Benavides Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and Hair Transplant
Physician from Bolivia
Dr Jeff Hall- Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
and Hair Transplant Physician from Austin Texas
Dr Sean Behnam- Board Certified Hair Transplant Physician
Amazing Results from Dr Sean Behram in LA- Fast regrowth post-op with Help Hair shake 2x daily. FUE 2045.
Amazing Before/After pictures of Dr Sean Behnam, Hair Restoration Doctor and Certified Help Hair Clinic. Patient has full growth 6 months post-op using Help Hair Shake and Vitamins daily.
Help Hair® Shake and Help Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth | Participating Help Hair® Shake Physicians
*Results will vary
See other examples of faster regrowth......
We have Help Hair Doctors and Help Hair Clinics using our products from All around the World.
Countries (and States) include USA- Florida, North Carolina, Connecticut, Texas, California, South Carolina, Virginia, Atlanta Georgia, Utah, New York, Massachusetts, Poland, UK, Australia, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Bolivia, Columbia, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, France, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland, India, Brasil, Philippines, South Korea
Help Hair® Shake was developed by a World Renown Hairloss Physician with over 26 years experience in Hair Transplantation and Dermatology. Our product successfully treated thousands of hair loss sufferers. To see a list Participating Hair Clinics Worldwide go to
We suggest visiting these clinics for further evaluation. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting with any work out or weight loss program. Keep out of reach of children.
Help Hair® Shake and Help Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth | Participating Help Hair® Shake Physicians