Health is Wealth with Organic Living- Greta for your body and hair care

Health is wealth. If you are able to eat and live healthily then you may consider yourself wealthy. However, it does not necessarily follow that you must be already wealthy to become healthy. There are a lot of ways to become healthy without having to spend too much. Organic living is one of them.

Organic living is defined as being able to live without the use of products that are not organically grown. This includes eating produce that are devoid of chemical pesticides. This also includes eating protein from animals that are raised in a perfectly organic way. Another way to live organic is to only use products that are organically made.

Organic Produce can help with hair health

Organic foods are those grown by farmers using practices that are designed to conserve soil and water as well as lessen pollution. Examples of these organic practices are mulching or crop rotation to manage weeds and diseases.

Although they were usually found only in health food stores, organic food are becoming more and more available in supermarkets in your areas. This is because people are also becoming more and more health-conscious as well as environmentally aware. The prices of organic food have also dropped considerably making them more affordable than before.

Organic Clothing

Because more and more people are clamouring for more environmentally-friendly products, a lot of companies have also joined in the organic bandwagon producing products that are free from chemical usage which include herbicides, pesticides and genetically modified seeds.

Most organic clothing is made up of fibres coming from organically grown plants such as cotton and jute. Their fibres may also come from silk, wool or ramies that have been harvested in compliance with organic standards.

Although organic clothing may be more expensive than regular clothing, they offer the following benefits:

  • They are environmentally friendly since no chemicals were used in their production, harvesting and post-harvesting. Since no chemicals were used, the chances of these chemicals seeping into the soil and affecting our water system are lessened. Also, the likelihood of these chemicals being ingested by other beneficial animals is also lessened. 
  • Since organic farming does not use genetically modified seeds, there is no risk for humans and other animals that would eat the produce to have mutations in the future. 
  • Cotton that has been organically grown emits lesser carbon dioxide emissions that could affect global warming. Organic farming also reduces the amount of water being used by up to 60%.
  • Humans who are working in an organic farm are not exposed to harmful chemicals.

Although organic clothing does not necessarily mean a 100% organic fibre composition; purchasing organic clothing and products will make you feel better since you know that you are doing your part in ensuring that our world will stay healthy a little longer.

If you want to do your part, there are a lot of stores and online websites that offer certified organic products.

Written by Cynthia Haltom of