
Gray Hair Reversal with Help Hair ShakeBefore and after with improved darker color using Help Hair Shake. Pictures courtesy of Dr Jerry Cooley.Dr Jerry Cooley was our first Help Hair clinics to utiliz...

Grove's Tasteless Chill HairTonic- inventors span centuries
The Evolution of Grove's TonicLast weekend Help Hair Shake particpated at the NCDA convention in Asheville North Carolina. The amazing 102 year old hotel was built by E. W. Grove who inven...

Hair Extensions and Healthy Hair? No Problem!
The Secrets to Healthy Hair and ExtensionThere are women who believe that wearing a weave or hair extensions can be damaging for their hair. Nothing could be further from the truth. When executed corr...

Is Seasonal Shedding Real? Or are we stuck with the summer time blues....
Understanding Seasonal Hair Loss: Fact or Myth?Summer is upon us. Its hot outside and temperatures can go as high as 105-110 degrees Farenheit. Many people notice thinning hair and rapid hair lo...

Which foods have the most biotin? Vegetarians and vegans beware.
Balancing Biotin in Vegetarian MealsWhich foods contain the most biotin?According to a NCBI study many published values may not be correct.Help Hair Shake is a scientifically based nutritional supplem...

Our SHAPIRO Chart reviews supplements that cause hair loss. Get a copy for your hair loss clinic.
Reviewing Hair Loss SupplementsIf you are a Help Hair Clinic and want a SHAPIRO Chart or brochures we have two new sizes- 2'x4' and 12"x24'. Email us for further information. Below is Tricia Hall from...

Can plucking hair stimulate more hair to regrow?
Is the trick to plucking "all in the wrist"?**Exploring Hair Regrowth After PluckingA recent study was done from researchers from the University of Southern California in collaboration with coll...

Caffeine and Hair Growth. How much is too much?
Caffeine can be helpful or harmful to hair growth. It depends on the amount your drinking. Proper dosage can enhance the effects of Help Hair Shake.BUY HELP HAIR SHAKE HelpHair.com...